Senior Care

Bridging the Gap: How Pain Scales Empower Seniors and Caregivers

Bridging the Gap: How Pain Scales Empower Seniors and Caregivers

At At Home Senior Care, we recognize the importance of open communication and effective tools to assess pain, particularly for the seniors we serve. By working closely with our clients and their families, we use various pain assessment scales to help identify and address discomfort. Here are four commonly used pain scales:

Caregiver Support Techniques for People Living with Alzheimer's Disease

Caregiver Support Techniques for People Living with Alzheimer's Disease

On September 24th, 2022, At Home Senior Care will be participating in The Walk to End Alzheimer's being held in Rutland. We encourage you to visit for details on how to support our team. The following is information on how caregivers can help someone living with Alzheimer's Disease in each of its different stages.

Summer Outdoor Activities for Seniors

Summer Outdoor Activities for Seniors

Vermont has had some steamy days this summer, but our weather of late has been fantastic! With health and safety in mind, these waning days of summer are a great time for seniors and their caregivers to enjoy being outdoors.

Five Key Ways To Live A Better Life with Parkinson's Disease

This April for Parkinson's Awareness month, At Home Senior Care shares the Parkinson's Organization's top five key ways to live a better life with Parkinson's.

3 Techniques For When Decluttering Becomes Necessary

3 Techniques For When Decluttering Becomes Necessary

Do you have professional outfits clogging up your closet though you retired a decade ago? What about papers? Are your college biology notes co-mingling with your will in a filing cabinet to which you've lost the key? It's time to declutter, and what better month to start than in January, the official "Get Organized" month!

November is National Family Caregivers Month

November is National Family Caregivers Month

November is laden with grateful thoughts as Thanksgiving serves as a reminder that there is always something to be thankful for. Some dispatches come to mind quickly: our family and loved ones, tasty meals, autumn skies, loyal pets, to name a few, but there's another category that deserves our attention yet often gets unintentionally overlooked when listing blessings in one's life. This is the family caregiver.

The Role of Communication In The Caregiver/Person Living With Dementia Relationship

The Role of Communication In The Caregiver/Person Living With Dementia Relationship

Since there is currently no cure for Alzheimer’s or dementia, supportive caregiving plays an extraordinary role in making the quality of life for the person living with the disease a positive experience.

Mobility Aids For Seniors

Mobility Aids For Seniors

Mobility aids are important tools for seniors who need them because they allow for safe independence when they have trouble with mobility and stability.

Dance Into The New Year For Your Health!

Dance Into The New Year For Your Health!

A study by the New England Journal of Medicine discovered that dance had the most significant protection against dementia of any other leisure activities studied, reducing the risk by up to 76%. Other activities reviewed were reading, bicycling, swimming, crossword puzzles, and golf.

A letter from At Home Senior Care's President Regarding Covid-19

A letter from At Home Senior Care's President Regarding Covid-19

At Home Senior Care is actively monitoring the progression of the coronavirus, COVID-19, to ensure that we have the most accurate and latest information on the threat of the virus.