Mobility Aids For Seniors


     Mobility aids are important tools for seniors who need them because they allow for safe independence when they have trouble with mobility and stability.  Equipment like walkers and ramps can be wonderfully useful equipment once accepted, but for some seniors, the thought of using such an aid upsets them.  When discussing mobility aid options with your senior loved one, come from a place of understanding.  It is difficult for any of us to adjust to something new, in this case, a new way of getting around. Still, with time and patience, all involved can come to an understanding of how a mobility aid will help your senior loved one retain his or her independence.

     Several issues can increase a seniors’ risk of struggling with mobility and balance.  These include: diminished eyesight, diabetes or heart disease, thyroid problems, nerve issues, medications, dizziness, muscle weakness, gait changes, postural hypotension, foot pain such as deformities or poorly-fitting footwear, confusion, or memory problems, and environmental factors like lack of lighting.  Sometimes a simple prescription change for your loved one’s glasses or extra lighting added to a stairway can solve mobility issues.  However, often it is a more complex situation, so if you are uncertain of the cause or how to accommodate mobility issues for your senior loved one, seek medical advice.

     Equipment such as canes, walkers, rollers, and wheelchairs are long-range mobility aid options.  Other types of mobility aids make the home environment safer and increase independence with specific tasks.  These can include rails along stairs, near bathroom fixtures, or in hallways, tub/bath transfer seats or benches, supportive seat cushions, grab handles for getting in or out of a car, bed, couch, or chair, rolling over-bed or over-couch tables, additional lighting or voice command lighting to improve visibility, non-slip flooring that is securely tacked down, stair lifts, and ramps to replace stairs. This article was written through our partnership with Clear Care.