Three Safe Driving Tips for Seniors

There is no better sense of freedom than having a valid driver's license in your pocket! We savor the independence of getting behind the wheel to meet friends for lunch, go to the beach for the weekend, or even just pick up groceries because there are no restrictions when we are "On the Road," as Kerouac famously glamorized.

Some of us at Team AHSC have children who are entering the driving pool. The teenagers are thrilled, the parents apprehensive.

The following safe driving tips are from AARP. They apply to everyone, from the newest drivers to older adults who may notice driving becoming more difficult over time. They apply to everyone, from the newest drivers to older adults who may notice driving becoming more difficult over time.

  • Stay focused. Manage non-driving tasks before getting on the road. For example, eating, drinking, programming GPS, or securing a pet in the vehicle should be done before leaving for the destination.

  • Pull over to talk. Hands-free phone technology in the car can still take our minds off the road. The safest option for those who are easily distracted is to wait to talk or text until we are parked.

  • Don't drive drowsy. Coffee is not always the answer! Consider the time of day when making travel plans. If we can avoid drowsy driving, a common safety issue late at night, we can improve the odds of arriving at our destination safely.

Changes that happen with age may affect our ability to drive safely, including vision loss, medical conditions, and increased anxiety. Recognizing when it may be time to stop driving is an upsetting decision, but it is a vitally important one.

If you or your senior loved one are struggling with a loss of independence due to driving restrictions, At Home Senior Care can help! Call us at 802-768-8565 or visit our website at for more information.