We can better understand stressors when we track our trigger points: common triggers are limited downtime, emotional or physical exhaustion, lack of sleep, and lack of support. Once a caregiver has a better understanding of what is causing the stress, he or she can customize a plan to relieve it.
November is National Family Caregivers Month
Welcome to At Home Senior Care
November is National Family Caregivers Month
November is laden with grateful thoughts as Thanksgiving serves as a reminder that there is always something to be thankful for. Some dispatches come to mind quickly: our family and loved ones, tasty meals, autumn skies, loyal pets, to name a few, but there's another category that deserves our attention yet often gets unintentionally overlooked when listing blessings in one's life. This is the family caregiver.
In Truth, National Caregivers Day Is Every Day!
3 Ways To Thank A Family Caregiver
Vermont 211 Is Here To Help Caregivers During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Are you concerned about meeting your basic needs during this pandemic? Do you want to find a way to help others? Vermont 211 is where you’ll find information to help you navigate today’s constantly changing circumstances.
211’s community resource specialists are available by phone 24/7 to help you find answers to your questions—providing information you can trust, and referrals to over 1,000 organizations that have been vetted: federal, state and local entities; non-profit organizations; churches, service organizations, and civic groups.
Because of the heightened demand for 211’s service right now, you may need to leave a message with a callback number—but it’s worth the brief wait to get personal support from a highly-trained specialist who can save you a lot of time, effort and stress.
You may also contact our specialists by texting your zip code to 898211
M-F 8am-8pm--or search our community resource directory at vermont211.org at any time. 211: Get Connected. Get Help.
Three Free Apps for Caregivers
It’s easy to turn to our handheld devices when we want to relax: scroll through some Facebook, stream some music, watch a hilarious YouTube video… the options are endless! When we need to feel supported as caregivers, we can find that through technology too, with thousands of uplifting, positive quotes at our fingertips.
Like this one:
from: lifeaftercaregiving.wordpress.com