What is Respite Care?

Our organization's name is At Home Senior Care, but don't let the title mislead you. Home care agencies like ours are here to serve seniors, but we're equally dedicated to supporting their family members. This is called respite care: a temporary break for primary caregivers.

As a family caregiver, it's crucial to remember that your well-being is just as important as your loved one's. Taking time for yourself and engaging in activities you enjoy is not a luxury, but a necessity. By prioritizing your own self-care, you can ensure you're in the best possible state to care for your senior loved one, making the experience less stressful and more enjoyable for both of you.

Respite care can be arranged for any amount of time, from a couple of hours a week to several weeks a month. The care can be provided at home, in an adult day care facility, or a healthcare setting. The key to using respite care to its potential is to have the service in place before you get burnt out!

Asking for help does not make you a failure. It shows that you are human. The adage "put your oxygen mask on first before helping others" only applies under extreme emergencies. If we all waited for extreme emergencies to begin before initiating self-care, there would no longer be caregivers in the world; we would have crumbled into a pile of exhausted ashes. You and your senior loved one deserve better than that- know you are worth it.