Caregiver Support

Safe Halloween Planning For Caregivers And Their Loved Ones During The Pandemic

Safe Halloween Planning For Caregivers And Their Loved Ones During The Pandemic

This year, Halloween will create a lot more toil and trouble in our lives to keep it healthy and safe for all, but it is possible to pull off a boo-tiful Halloween during this pandemic.

Useful Conversation Starters For Seniors And Their Families

Useful Conversation Starters For Seniors And Their Families

Aging is a dynamic process to be celebrated! It leads to new capabilities, and if encouraged, to the sharing of

knowledge. We will always advocate for older adults to share their knowledge and thoughts

because our community thrives when all its members are valued and supported.

Important Steps to Resolving Caregiver Stress

     Caregivers have hearts as big as the moon, as filled with compassion as the ocean of its water. When we are in our groove, nothing can stop up from being our best selves, but the truth is something always eventually stops us- at least for a little while. 

     Caregivers arrive at this “Wit’s End” when they are stressed. Sometimes we see it coming a mile away; other times, it suddenly overcomes us leaving us to feel vulnerable, exhausted, and oh so guilty that we now must invest time taking care of ourselves rather than those we serve. It is difficult for caregivers to put their health first, but without doing so, we become run down faster than a second grader’s pencil point, and in that grumpy, stressed-out state, how are we to help those to whom we provide care?

     We can better understand stressors when we track our trigger points. With the world’s current situation, the coronavirus pandemic-and the many snarls of problems it has created- is a leading cause of stress among caregivers. Other common triggers are limited downtime, emotional or physical exhaustion, lack of sleep, and lack of support. Once a caregiver has a better understanding of what is causing the stress, he or she can customize a plan to relieve it. The following are some coping strategies to help in dealing with stress.

Get a support system in place. Talk therapy is important, so is physical support. Nurses, care managers, physicians, clergy, friends and family members can offer assistance in both these areas. People care about you- let them help!  

Focus on what you can do, not what you cannot. We can only do so much. Trust that you are giving your senior loved one your 100% and that you are thoughtful about every decision and action you are doing on their behalf. No one can be a “perfect” caregiver but believe that you are doing the best you can.  

Get sleep. Get exercise.  It’s easy to say but harder to accomplish.  Make sleep a priority, and if you have trouble falling asleep, develop a calming bedtime routine, or consider talking to your physician.  Exercise in a way that will be consistent for you. Schedule a morning walk each day, or sign up for a virtual yoga class. Dance in your living room, move a rake across your yard- do any exercise that you enjoy, and that gets your body moving. 

Don’t lose your identity.  If you love movies but haven’t watched one in months, commit to viewing a flick this weekend. If you once were a social butterfly, but are now a hermit, reach out to your friends and set up a way to meet online. Blow the dust off your camera and snap a few photos, or finish that sewing project you abandoned. Make a point of taking time to be YOU.

If you are alone in your caregiving journey and looking for support, At Home Senior Care can help.  Call us at 802.768.8595.

A letter from At Home Senior Care's President Regarding Covid-19

A letter from At Home Senior Care's President Regarding Covid-19

At Home Senior Care is actively monitoring the progression of the coronavirus, COVID-19, to ensure that we have the most accurate and latest information on the threat of the virus. 

Vermont 211 Is Here To Help Caregivers During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Are you concerned about meeting your basic needs during this pandemic?  Do you want to find a way to help others?   Vermont 211 is where you’ll find information to help you navigate today’s constantly changing circumstances.

211’s community resource specialists are available by phone 24/7 to help you find answers to your questions—providing information you can trust, and referrals to over 1,000 organizations that have been vetted: federal, state and local entities; non-profit organizations; churches, service organizations, and civic groups.

Because of the heightened demand for 211’s service right now, you may need to leave a message with a callback number—but it’s worth the brief wait to get personal support from a highly-trained specialist who can save you a lot of time, effort and stress.

You may also contact our specialists by texting your zip code to 898211
M-F 8am-8pm--or search our community resource directory at at any time.  211: Get Connected. Get Help.

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Three Free Apps for Caregivers

It’s easy to turn to our handheld devices when we want to relax: scroll through some Facebook, stream some music, watch a hilarious YouTube video… the options are endless! When we need to feel supported as caregivers, we can find that through technology too, with thousands of uplifting, positive quotes at our fingertips.

Like this one:



Did you know though, that when we are at work as caregivers, we can also use technology to help ourselves, and the clients we serve?

Here are 3 free apps that you can use with seniors…

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These are only three of MANY free apps available to caregivers. What apps do you use with the seniors you serve? Share in the comments!

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