Gratitude for Good Health in Five Ways

     There is a proven link between improved health and mood because of a gratitude practice, especially in older adults. Give yourself, and others, the gift of gratitude in 2023!

1. Keep a Gratitude Journal. Write down three to five things each day that are blessings to you. By keeping a journal, you can easily see the positives in your days and especially lean on them when you have a difficult day. If you find writing difficult, enlist someone to write down or listen to your daily list.


2. Write a Thank You Note. This practice helps both the giver and the receiver. Occasionally write one to yourself-we all deserve gratitude. The note can take any form: email, letter, or jotted on a scrap of paper. 


3. Thank Someone Mentally. Often just thinking gratefully about someone can soften a relationship and bring peace to your thoughts. 


4. Pray. While prayer may not be for everyone, it is a specific way for believers to express their gratitude to a higher power. Praying with your loved one can be a profound connection.


5. Use Gratitude Cues. Keep photos or mementos out that remind you of times in your life that made you happy. Gratitude quotes are also suitable for reminding yourself to stay positive.


Happy New Year from At Home Senior Care!